Top 10 tips from running talk
- Alignment is even more crucial when stressing your body beyond what you normally do.
- Forward head carriage causes ribs to collapse lower oxygen levels and increasing lactic acid levels.
- Shoulders that roll forward causes hands/arms to cross in front of body losing power to drive forward.
- Lack in core stability makes climbing hills more troublesome and drains energy levels.
- Pelvic misalignment can cause IT (ileo-tibial) muscle/tendon on lateral thigh tightening, lateral hip weakness and knee problems.
- Weak gluts or butt muscles can cause low back compensations, sacro-iliac jamming and tight hamstring muscles.
- Tight hip flexors can be caused by weak gluts, and less power especially climbing hills.
- Tight muscles do not allow ideal blood to flow and lymph return (5 times more lymph than blood).
- We take an average of 24,000 steps per day.
- Chiropractic can help with all the above!